February 22, 2013

{Book Blogger Love-a-Thon} Interview w/ Book Rock Betty!!


I’m excited to be participating in the Book Blogger Love-a-Thon this year, I didn’t even hear about it last year otherwise I would’ve been all over it. The Book Blogger Love-a-Thon is a day to spend finding new blogs and spreading the love to other book bloggers. We’re starting the 24 hours with downloadan interview of another blogger and I had the pleasure to be partnered up with BOOK ROCK BETTY! I’ve been getting to know her a little bit on twitter and through email ever since we knew we were interviewing each other, and let me tell you that I already love this girl and her blog which is pretty amazing and fun to read. She started her blog in January of this year and I’m already a fan of her reviews, they’re short and sweet but make total sense and they’re sooo hilarious.


I’m glad I got to make a new book loving blogger friend thanks to the Love-a-thon. Heeeeere’s BETTY!! 556_I_Love_Philadelphia

1. Where do you live and what do you love most about it?

I live in the burbs of Philadelphia.  I love being close enough to the city that I can go to shops, restaurants, events, etc. whenever I want to, but I live a pretty natural lifestyle, so it’s a huge bonus to live just as close to lots of parks and farms.  Being on the east coast means I get to enjoy all 4 seasons, plus a short drive will get me to the beach or the mountains! 


2. What would you consider a perfect day?

4915_MEDIUMIt would start out at our favorite diner... coffee and blueberry pancakes.  Then we would take a drive to go hiking, have a picnic, let the kids run around and play.  Hop back in the car-- the kids fall asleep.... so hubs and I can stop at Starbucks for hot chocolate and have an adult conversation on the way home.  Next we’d hit up this local restaurant we go to all the time.  It’s a sports bar type place with local artwork on display... loud enough that even if the kids are loud no one notices.  We’d go home, put the kids to bed.... I’d read on the couch while drinking a cup of chamomile tea... then watch something on dvr with my husband and eat some mint chocolate chip ice cream.  Maybe a foot rub too...  :)



3. What is the one thing you can’t live without?  Besides family of course! =)

Hmmm... this sounds terrible, but COFFEE!!  I don’t even drink that much of it, but I have to have it in the morning.  I don’t even think it really wakes me up... it’s just the routine of it.  Chris makes it since he gets up first-- even though he doesn’t drink it.  I hear the beeeeep... and that’s my cue to roll out of bed. 


4. If there was something you could do over again in a different way what would it be?

Wow.  Do I really have to pick just one??  I’ve screwed up A LOT.  One thing that was really stupid involved a guy in high school.  I really liked (was obsessed) with him.  He was the guy everyone wanted.  We had a thing for a while and it was the day before Christmas break--- there was a bad snowstorm and it was already announced that school would let out early.  BUT... I HAAAAD to see him.  I had to talk to him about my FEELINGS!  It seemed life or death at the time!  My mom told me to stay home, but I insisted that I go...... and so I did...... ended up totaling my car on the way to school!  But it gets worse...... did I get a ride home or to my mom’s office?!  NO!!!  I told the cop to take me to school!!!  I was still worried about that stupid guy!  Are we still together??  NOOOOO.  Were we still together a month after that??  NOPE.  Was he holding someone else’s hand when I got to school that day?? YEP.  So yeah, I’d probably do that one over.  :)


5. Name a book that’s impacted you in a big way and why?6990472-tile

Eeeek.  There are so many, but definitely If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman.  It’s not the fact that it’s just a damn good story, but more the fact that I can relate to it in so many different ways.  I was Mia at one time...  an insecure teenage girl that fell for a punk guy in a band.  It didn’t make sense at the time, but completely shaped who I became.  At this point in my life... married with 2 kids.... I was drawn to Mia’s parents.  I get it.  You have to grow up.  At some point you realize that it’s not about you anymore, it’s about them.  It doesn’t change your roots or who you are, but it does change everything!  It also made me rethink the way I live my life.  I get so caught up in my problems or what I want, yet don’t have... money... time... etc., but when it comes down to it, it doesn’t matter.  Life is no guarantee and all that matters is that you enjoy it and make the most out of every single day.  Most of all, it forced me to reconsider a lot of grudges I carry around.... I am the most stubborn person you will ever meet and I have to work really hard to let things go!  Gayle Forman keeps me in line. 


3456276. Out of all the books you read which character would you love to meet it he/she were real? 

Obviously I want to choose some insanely hot guy that I would convince to make out with me, but I will be mature about this.  I would choose Rose from Vampire Academy!  She’s awesome... she is confident, funny, loyal, fierce, spontaneous, passionate, kick-ass, and just irresistible!  She is seriously just ridiculously cool.  She follows her heart and does what she believes is right regardless of the consequences!  I love her!


7. Which bookish world would you love to live in?the-mortal-instruments-city-of-bones01

The Mortal Instruments... Cassandra Clare created such a crazy world in those books.  It doesn’t JUST have vampires or one weird creature... they are all there!  Throw in the magic, portals, runes, etc... it’s insane!  I know, I know... it sounds really scary.... but it would be okay.  I would immediately find a REALLY HOT Shadowhunter to protect me.  Obviously one that is friends with Magnus Bane so that if I did get hurt for some reason, it’d be all good.


8. What is it about YA that you love the most?

Well...  I’m not a teenager anymore.  That was a time in my life that was just FUN.  Even though it didn’t seem that way at the time, it is a phase of life that is full of firsts....  a time without any real responsibilities....  a time to screw up and have it be okay..... and to discover who you are.  I love that I can pick up a book and be taken back to all that!  I can experience all those firsts again and watch these awesome characters step out of their comfort zones and take huge risks!  I have enough problems in my adult life that the LAST thing I’d wanna read about is other adults with similar problems!  Plus, I am a huge sucker for love triangles, hot guys, and lots of kissing!


Katelyn said...

You came up with some super awesome questions ! I love that some were book related but others let us get to know the blogger behind the blog. I need to get on Gayle Forman's books pretty dang soon. They've been sitting on my shelf untouched for far too long!

Andrea @ The Overstuffed Bookcase said...

Great questions! And great answers, too! I still need to read If I Stay, Where She Went, AND all of Cassandra Clare's books! Yikes!

Cynthia said...

Oh you must!!! Gayle Forman is a genius!!! Her books are just pure amazingness! =D

Cynthia said...

Thanks! Those are some of my favorite books, highly recommended!

Judith said...

Yay, Betty is totally one of my favorite people right now! I'm sorry, but I laughed so hard at your high school memory. It's a great story, just too bad you had to total your car in the process :) And I love your love for Gayle Forman's books. I wasn't that impressed by If I Stay the first time, but the second time it hit me in the face big time. Also, Rose is my favorite character EVERRR. This was so much fun to read, thanks ladies! And lovely to meet you, Cynthia :)

Belle of the Literati said...

This interview is fantastic! Betty is one of my favorite people and I am just loving your interview of her! The Gayle Forman books answer--love! Everything she said is so true. GREAT answer to live in the Mortal Instruments world, that would be fantastic!...Being around Jace would be even better. AND I will read VA soon....I swear...

Alysia A said...

Love that interview. I have to say all my do overs involve guys too. Hum! Do we see a theme here? Lol! New follower. Love your blog!

bookrockbetty.com said...

haha thanks for the love guys!! see... that's why i like books.... it's so much better watching other girls make such stupid mistakes over guys. been there, done waaaaay too much of that. hahaha :)

Brittany @ The Book Addict's Guide said...

She's so cute!! What a fun interview! I love the answer about YA and of course you know my love for Gayle Forman! Lots of fun to read!!

Justin941 said...

Awesome interview! :) Loved Betty's answers, so much fun to read.

Jasmine Rose said...

Oh man, Betty, your do-over story sounds like it could totally be in a YA book. And I'm sorry, but I laughed a little :P

bookrockbetty.com said...

hahaha.... it wasn't funny back then.... but now it is. :)

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