Sunday, July 18, 2010

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi from The Story Siren

For Review:
The DUFF by Kody Keplinger I've read this one during the read-a-thon this week and it was really great and a lot of fun. You can read my review here.

Take Me There by Carolee Dean (I'm currently reading this one)

Life, Liberty and Pursuit by Susan Kaye Quinn

The Fire Opal by Regina McBride

Anthropology of an American Girl by Hilary Thayer Hamann

Special Thanks to:
Katie made of Awesome! =D

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  1. YAY! Enjoy your reading! I'm reading Take Me There right now. I can't wait to chat about it. :)

  2. Great books! I'm intrigued by the cover of The Fire Opal. I'll have to add that one to my wishlist. My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!

  3. Ooo, I'm glad you liked The DUFF - I've been wanting to read it. And hmm... The Fire Opal looks intriguing.

  4. oh, glad you loved the DUFF, this ones on my wishlist! The cover of Take Me There looks...interesting :)
    Happy reading!

  5. I saw that you are a part of the Debut Author Challenge! That is so amazing that you are supporting debut authors and I only recently found out that I am going to be one!!! I wanted to ask if you wouldn’t mind heading over to my blog and giving me your opinion. As a blogger turned author I would really appreciate it and the publisher is still giving out ARCs so you might have a chance at a free copy! Thank you and I hope you will stop by and check out The Thirteenth Chime!

    Emma Michaels

    P.S.- My release date if Friday the 13th (August this year) isn't that crazy?

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed The DUFF! I look forward to reading it. Enjoy your books :]

  7. Take Me There and The Fire Opal are two that I'm really looking forward to reading. Great grabs!
